Just last week, 8,265 people got Nomorobo protection!

Every one who can should have this technology installed. It works great and in conjunction with our phone system block feature it prevents unwanted calls every day of the year! We have many family members and friends who now have Nomorobo installed.
— David A, Nov 29th, 9:34am
thank you so much...it has really cut down those stupid interupting unwanted phone calls. keep up the good work!
— Jim, Nov 29th, 9:48am
It's great! Let the phone ring once. If it rings again, it's real. In not, we say, "Gee, Thanks, NOMOMOBO!
— Robert D, Nov 29th, 9:52am
Love it
— Susan, Nov 29th, 10:02am

it seems to work seamlessly and it seems to do its one job quite well--which is all i want it to do.
— Frank C, Nov 29th, 10:28am
NOMOROBO has done a splendid job of blocking these idiots even when they spoof numbers. They are relentless! I have thanked you in the past and again expressing my appreciation for this service. When these calls get through by spoofing numbers we report them and you block them until they start using another number. The credit card people actually spoofed my own phone number as their identity to get me to pick up. I get 4 or 5 calls per day that NOMOROBO blocks at an 80% or better rate.
— Robert F, Nov 29th, 10:44am
— JAMES M, Nov 29th, 10:53am
I think it is fantastic and it has quietened the phone calls almost to nothing even during the election. Congratulations on a great tool for stopping mid-meal, mid-viewing extremely annoying robocalls. Combined with my 'no call" list peace reigns !! Thank you so much.Any charity you would like me to contribute to on your behalf ??
— Bob W, Nov 29th, 11:13am