Phone Scam Alert!

(217) 405-7723 is a Vehicle Warranty Robocall

Be cautious.

  • Listen
  • Transcript Hello? Hi. This is Alicia. How are you today? That's good. I am calling because we have sent you several notifications on extending your car warranty, but we haven't heard back. And this is one of the last courtesy calls to let you know that you can still keep your vehicle vehicle under coverage. So would you like to know more about your options? Lastly, can I get you over to a warranty specialist to go over the program options with you? Great. So it looks like we're going to be able to help you out today. Let me get one of our specialists on the line, and they're going to go over the program options with you. Please hold the line. Hold on. Thank you so much for holding. My name is Tabitha. I'm one of the authorized agents. Can you hear me? Okay, wonderful. Now, the reason you have been transferred to me, sir, is because your vehicle has passed the cut off point for full car coverage. Now, just to verify on this recorded line, have there been any fluid leaks or any mechanical problems that have been unreported with your vehicle recently? Sir, are you still there? Sir, we are here to assist you with placing coverage on your vehicle today. Okay, well, we would like to build for you to verify that year, make, and model of your vehicle, sir, so that we can place coverage. Do you know the year, make and model of your vehicle, sir? All right, if you know that, sir, what is going to be that information? Sir, do you not know the year, make, and model of your vehicle? I'm not going to be able to help you here today. Sir, it is yeah, and good. The only words that you know, sir, I'm not going to be able to help you here today unless you verify what the year, make, and model is of your vehicle here today. I hear you saying, yes, sir, but I still need to know what that year, make, and model of your vehicle is to be able to assist you here today. I cannot go over yes, good. And okay, listen, sir, you go and have yourself a blessed day. You're obviously not wanting to take this seriously. Bless yourself.
  • Date Blocked
  • Call Activity Low Last detected 1 year ago

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The number of frustrating robocalls is exploding, but there are more options than ever to fight back
Nomorobo is an excellent service and worthy of our Editors' Choice award.
It's a problem that gets worse every year...but a new website promises to change all that. without that nuisance we know as robocalls has a nice ring to it.
A groundbreaking solution to the problem...I'm positive it's going to work.
If you have a phone, you probably get robocalls...but relief may soon be available...
...there is little you can do to stop them...but new technology [is] coming soon...
...propose[d] some high-tech strategies to finally stop automated sales calls.
Is there a hero among us who can rise up and build something to foil the dreaded robocall?
...may have solved one of the perpetual annoyances of living in the telephone age.
Robo-calls, meet the terminator.
...those illegal prerecorded messages hawking everything from timeshares in the Bahamas to free money.